[MUD-Dev] Re: [IDEAS] Starting from scratch

T. Alexander Popiel popiel at snugharbor.com
Thu Aug 6 10:18:26 CEST 1998

In message:  <Pine.HPP.3.91.980806120003.29817D-100000 at emu.micro.ti.com>
             Holly Sommer <hsommer at micro.ti.com> writes:
>On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, T. Alexander Popiel wrote:
>> I guess I have higher standards for portability; I support many flavors
>> of unix (including Linux, BSDi, AIX, SunOS, Solaris, HPUX, AIX, and ULTRIX),
>> as well as Windows95, WindowsNT, OS/2, and Macintosh.
>Is this a commercial venture? I mean... why the need to work on all
>those different platforms?

No, this is PennMUSH, a publicly available MUD server in the Tiny clan.
I don't think any commercial venture would bother to support all those
platforms; the incremental cost is much larger than the incremental
revenue from increased market share.

For us on the PennMUSH Development Team, it's really a point of honor;
someone made it work on platform foo, so we're going to do our best
to keep it working on platform foo.  To do otherwise would violate our
charge as maintainers of cooperative software.

I could rant at length about different development/funding/distribution
models, but that's really off topic for this list, and this thread has
gone on too long already.

- Alex

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