[MUD-Dev] [Mud-Dev] Re: Affordances and social method

cat cat at bga.com
Fri Aug 14 16:45:58 CEST 1998

Caliban Tiresias Darklock wrote:
> Have you ever logged onto a MUD and seen that everyone on it is 
> idle, but the who list says they're active? And then after a little
> investigation, you discover a heated debate about the relative merits of
> Hanson and the Spice Girls on some internal channel? And you look 
around at
> this huge MUD that people spent a lot of time and effort to build, and 
> wonder why everyone would waste it on some stripped-down imitation of 
> I don't get that. Maybe one day I'll figure it out. ;)

Sounds great to me!  America Online has made billions on providing a place
to chat about popular music groups and such for people.  :X)

To me it looks like an issue of whether the MUD is there to satisfy the 
of the people that made it, or the people that play it.  "I want every 
room and
every feature to be used, or at least most of them I worked hard on 
making them!"
is very much a creator-centric kind of view.  "I'm having fun chatting 
with my new
friend I met here, this is great!" says to me, from a player-centric view,
 "I did my job,
he said the word 'great' and like that there."

For the record, I always viewed IRC as a stripped-down chat mud.  I can't 
viewing a mud as a stripped down IRC, when in a mud you can type "look 
and get a description.  It's a dressed up IRC at the very minimum, an IRC 
sets and costumes.  Why some people seem to prefer a place without the 
and costumes is what feels a little odd to me, though I think maybe I 
it on an intellectual level.

   Dr. Cat / Dragon's Eye Productions     ||       Free alpha test:
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