[MUD-Dev] Standard Mud Room Format?

plateau plateau at mail.tcbi.com
Wed Aug 19 18:43:32 CEST 1998

Hello all,

I'm in the process of writing a MUD in (don't laugh) Perl. While it 
already has an online room editor for the basic editing functions, I 
still thought it best to make an offline editor as well, for people who 
prefer a better GUI.

Anyway, I began to think of all the different MUD editors already 
available, and started to wonder if there weren't some type of "standard 
format" from which to import rooms, spells, mobs, etc.

Sure, most muds are in some way "different" from the others, code-wise, 
but they all share certain characteristics: most rooms have descriptions, 
they are usually connected to each other by the 10 basic exits 
(n/s/e/w/u/d/nw/se/ne/sw) as well as other links ('enter bushes'). Most 
have titles for their areas, and some share similar flags such as 
'nomob', 'safe', etc.

Okay, so I guess the format wouldn't encompass too much detail, but 
still; has a "standard (global?) room format" already been done? Is it 
more popular to just write code to convert existing room formats (LPC, 
Tiny, Diku, etc) to your own format (so you could use those snazzy 
editors instead)? Or is it a complete waste of time?


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