[MUD-Dev] Re: Standard Mud Room Format?

Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt hhs at cbs.dtu.dk
Thu Aug 20 14:52:42 CEST 1998

On Wed, 19 Aug 1998, plateau wrote:

> Hello all,

I assume your writing a location-based game. And your terminology
indicates (as others have pointed out) affinity for DikuMud type
games :-). Remember that your design of database format probably will
dictate the organisation of your game. Choose with care! :-)

> Okay, so I guess the format wouldn't encompass too much detail, but=20
> still; has a "standard (global?) room format" already been done? Is it=20
> more popular to just write code to convert existing room formats (LPC,=20
> Tiny, Diku, etc) to your own format (so you could use those snazzy=20
> editors instead)? Or is it a complete waste of time?

I haven't heard of any 'standard' format for databases supporting
location-based game styles. If you want something easy parsable, and easy
writable, perhaps you should build on some XML formatted type of database=
since it probably will be soaked up into the 'net eventually. Besides the=
people will have a background for using it, with GUI or not (from HTML).=20

Just write code to convert existing code. Thats my advice :-)

Hans Henrik St=E6rfeldt         | =20
email: bombman at diku.dk        |  voice:      +45 40383492=20
  hhs at cbs.dtu.dk              |  voice work: +45 45252425
phone-mail:                   |  address:
  40383492 at sms.tdm.dk         |       Hans Henrik St=E6rfeldt,
WWW-home                      |       Dybendalsvej 74 2. th,
  http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/hhs/  |       2720 Vanl=F8se, Danmark.
Student of Computer Science   | Scientific programmer at Center for
  and Information Psychology. |   Biological Sequence Analysis,
  at University of Copenhagen |   Technical University of Denmark.

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