[MUD-Dev] Re: Modular MUD [Was:Finer points of Telnet programming ...]

James Wilson jwilson at rochester.rr.com
Sun Aug 30 14:23:20 CEST 1998

On Sun, 30 Aug 1998, Jeroen Ruigrok/Asmodai wrote:
>At 04:00 AM 8/26/98 , Adam J. Thornton wrote:
>>Are there any PostgreSQL gurus on the list?  I have a question: how do you
>>retrieve classes from objects returned in a query?
>Are we back at the OO-DBMS's in MUD's topic now?  =)

why, yes. ;) has anyone mucked around much with ptool? See 
<url: http://www.lac.uic.edu> for more info. It's a bare-bones persistence
engine with none of the extra OODB stuff. That's good for performance,
bad if you need some of those extra fancy rollbacks or whatever. I
downloaded it and was shocked - *shocked*! - by how small
and easy to port to linux it was. (I had to tweak the source by the
grand total of ten characters.) Apparently it's mostly used in 
scientific circles; I ran across it looking at some of the supercomputer
VR stuff at <url: http://www.evl.uic.edu>. Fascinating...


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