[MUD-Dev] Re: Modular MUD

Caliban Tiresias Darklock caliban at darklock.com
Mon Aug 31 05:00:41 CEST 1998

Ooh, off-topic stuff. That draws me like a magnet, unfortunately.

On 01:28 PM 8/30/98 -0700, I personally witnessed quzah jumping up to say:
>Unless of course, you actually have to do anything with a floppy drive
>in WIN95.

You use floppies?

>Another thing I hate is file names, what's the point of having
>fat32, if you can't use the long name in DOS, and have to instead
>use ~1 on everything?

It's not really DOS. It's a Win32 command prompt, and long file names work
just fine under it provided your application supports them (big proviso
there) and you quote anything with DOS-illegal characters in it (like
spaces). I've just been out at a prompt doing directories and types and
finds, and every long file name I used worked famously. Is this maybe a
Win98 thing? I only recently got over my 8.3 fetish in the first place, and
I still don't have more than a handful of files and directories that use
more then fifteen or so characters, and none of them have spaces in them
except "Program Files" which annoys the hell out of me. Unfortunately, most
software insists on putting crap in that folder, so if it isn't there you
have Big Problems.

I'm in God Mode right now, having sat down and decided CSocket and
CAsyncSocket in the MFC library suck, so I should build my own socket
class... and then writing a thousand lines of code at one sitting off the
top of my head, resulting in an initial compile that located six places in
the code where I misspelled a variable. I haven't determined whether it's
bulletproof yet (I just retrofitted it into a POP3 mailer I built over the
past few days, and it seems to run as reliably as the MFC classes did...
even though I think the speed increase is just my imagination... I still
have to do more testing), but you have to admit writing something that
complex and having it compile on the second try is pretty damned
impressive. I laugh at lesser mortals, your feeble attempts to program are
worthless. Come, join me, and we can stand on the hilltop with our hands on
our hips and laugh like this: HA! HA! HA!...

Ahem. Sorry. So here's what I'm sitting around wondering, which is at least
vaguely on topic.

I want to do something in my server to try and protect the user's password
in at least some half-assed fashion. Export controls are a problem,
however, and what I'm trying to find at this point is something legally
exportable from the US -- but all I seem to be able to find is all this
stuff that works on million-bit keys. Does anyone know where I can find
decent reasonably-sized (56 bits or less) encryption code? And does anyone
know whether a program which doesn't include source code and doesn't permit
the encryption of arbitrary data would still be a problem? 

Caliban Tiresias Darklock <caliban at darklock.com>   | "I'm not sorry or 
Darklock Communications <http://www.darklock.com/> |  ashamed of who I 
PGP Key AD21EE50 at <http://pgp5.ai.mit.edu/~bal/> |  really am."      
FREE KEVIN MITNICK! <http://www.kevinmitnick.com/> |  - Charles Manson 

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