[MUD-Dev] CORBA, RMI, threads

Marc Eyrignoux Marc.Eyrignoux at efrei.fr
Mon Jan 26 17:40:38 CET 1998

> Speaking of which, someone (Chris L, I think) once posted several CORBA
> URLs. I'd like to see them again, if you could grep the archives, please?
The links were from Alex Oren:
I have some other links:

> telnet client? Er... are you doing text output? And how much of the protocol
> are you implementing? Whatever the case, if you do this, you haven't really
> any need for Corba or RMI. And you are NOT getting what you say you want.
> As for C++ server/Java client... RMI will work, CORBA will too, from what
> I can see so far. Custom interfaces are also good. I'm using a lot of rpc
> generated code for these...
In fact I have a Java client.
My protocol is transmitted via sockets, and is composed by a lot of
exchanged between the client and the server (a command looks like

> Hmm. Databased mud. *frown* Am I the only guy here who thinks this is bad
> design?
May I know why? 
> :* a thread for the time (in my mud, 3mn_real_life=1h_mud_life)
> Whoa, whoa, whoa! What? Er... I think you'll find you are a lot better off
> coordinating with a system clock or somewhat, instead of trying to make a
> clock thread (which will go asynchronous, and screw you up royally.)
May I know how the code has to look like?

> Not quite reading you here. How are you storing functions in the database?
A friend of mine found on the net a C library which is able to read
written in a language called lua. Variables can be created in the script
and recuperated in the C++ code of my mud; or variables created in the
code can be recuperated in the lua code and changed. It works for
too (C functions may be called in the lua script, vice versa). But I
the library isn't the best thing I can find because the variables and
functions have to be static. Moreover the system for instanciating
exists but is very unfriendly. Therefore I intend to stock the compiled
scripts within the database (as the actions monsters have to do).
My teachers finally gave me 2 years for ending the project, so I have
for testing everything. I would like to know what ColdC exactly does.
Is it a better alternative to lua (I mean: can I write some scripts for 
some objects or monsters, these scripts being able to interact with
datas or objects in memory or in the database, store them in the
and execute them?)

> Hash table of instances, an instance is a collection of references to a
> client-side database coupled with a server-side physical model and behavior
> model. You won't find better than a well implemented hash table, believe me
> I tried. Dynamic trees are the next best thing.
In the case of a Hashtable, how can you store 2 identical monsters?
I think that 2 orks have the same server-side models. Is the difference
at the client-side refernces? (I take the case where 2 orks are at the
location, have the same number of lifepoints...)

> Er... bad idea. You don't want your OS to choke on the threads; a lot of
> Unix's will. Solaris and IRIX, for example...
As my teachers give me unlimited access to every resources I want, my
will run alone on a Linux PC.

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