[MUD-Dev] Re: openmud or pdmud or devmud

Hal Black hal at moos.ml.org
Sun Oct 25 20:19:41 CET 1998

On Sun, Oct 25, 1998 at 01:06:45PM -0500, Darrin Hyrup wrote:
> Hehe.  I though dev-mud was going to be the name of the new mailing list?
> As for the project name, I still like OpenMUD since that's what this really
> is... An Open Source MUD project.  (If it ever gets out of the conceptual
> phase anyway.) :-)  But, I don't think the name is that big of a deal,

As for Open Source and OpenMUD, does it seem to anyone else that that suggests
the GPL (where derivative works must also be Open Source/GPL?)  It seemed like
the consensus was to develop a no-strings-attached MUD for whatever use -
including commercial binary-only distribution eventually.  Either that, or
some other license (contributors only, credit-me, etc...) but not GPL?  (Though
I like GPL and think it is a nice license for many things).

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