[MUD-Dev] Re: Influential muds
Richard Woolcock
KaVir at dial.pipex.com
Sat Feb 27 02:27:57 CET 1999
Mik Clarke wrote:
> Dr. Cat wrote:
> > The other text mud I'd list is TinyMUD. Which seems to be the main
> > brancing point at which MUDs sorta forked from being "just combat muds"
> > to "combat muds and social muds". Most of the social ones trace their
> > ancestry back to TinyMUD. We've since sorta branched into three main
> > families, combat, social, and roleplaying. The roleplaying category
> > consisting mainly of MUSHes. But the roleplaying category is sort of a
> > "subcategory" of social, and definitely forked off from that side and the
> > whole TinyMUD family.
> There are a few people around trying to evolve combat based muds into role
> playing muds. While some of it is enhancing the social aspects a lot of it
> is trying to add some story telling capabilities.
I saw a mud a while ago - X-Files? - which was ROM based, but had removed
combat entirely, requiring emotes (similar to MUSHes) to simulate combat.
Although it did attract a small group of dedicated players, my personal
opinion is that it was a step backwards. Trying to take away combat from
a type of mud which revolves purely around combat just doesn't work; it's
in the "genes" of the diku family.
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