[MUD-Dev] Text Parsing

Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt hhs at cbs.dtu.dk
Thu Jun 3 14:27:46 CEST 1999

On Wed, 2 Jun 1999, Koster, Raph wrote:
> >=20
> > I think you'd be surprised at what they are typing :)
> This is a typical log from a total newbie at LegendMUD:
>   (HP:100% MA:100% MV:100%)>hello
>   You wave hello to the world!
>   [Chat] Groth: *bounce* hi hi!
>   (HP:100% MA:100% MV:100%)>what do I do here?
>   Huh?
>   (HP:100% MA:100% MV:100%)>hello groth
>   You don't see Groth here.
>   A cat stretches.
>   A cat goes off in search of a nice plump mouse.
>   (HP:100% MA:100% MV:100%)>How do I talk?
>   'Do I talk?' you howl.
>   (HP:100% MA:100% MV:100%)>quit
>   Use QUIT Y if you really want to quit.
>   If you quit you will lose all your equipment.
>   (HP:95% MA:99% MV:100%)>quit y
>   Totalnewbie has left the game.  =20
> -Raph         =20

Very interresting :-)  (is it real or compused by you?)
.. It suggest that a newbie would expect their text to be 'spoken'.
Perhaps the interface should be 'dual' moded (like vi(1)?). 'talk' mode,
where you have access to very few commands, and all else would be=20


and an 'act' mode, that is more traditional, where you specify your
actions. Newbies would start in talk-mode, and could reenter it by
using a specific command ('talk').

Hans Henrik St=E6rfeldt   |    bombman at diku.dk    | work:  hhs at cbs.dtu.dk=
address:                |___  +45 40383492    __|__       +45 45252425   =
 Dybendalsvej 74 2. th, | Scientific programmer at Center for Biological =
 2720 Vanl=F8se, Danmark. |  Sequence Analysis, Technical University of D=

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