[MUD-Dev] NPC grouping (LONG)
Tue Dec 26 08:08:16 CET 2000
<EdNote: Duplicate HTML copy removed>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ling at kanga.nu [mailto:ling at kanga.nu]
> One thing I noticed was the lack of criteria for which a mob decides
> to join or leave a group. I suggest, perhaps, a selfish reason for
> joining teams or perhaps a team rating in various categories. For
> instance, a gang called Anarchy might have a high mortality rate but
> have a good record for getting cold hard cash. On the other hand,
> another gang, called Paracetamol, is very good at protecting itself.
> A mob on the lookout for teams might initially be in need of
> protection, then as that becomes less of an issue, look for
> something more, like cash. Teams can then have a versus factor (for
> lack of a better name) which would prevent a mob being members of
> similar but opposing teams.
My example was a relatively simple one, and a cow
doesn't have the brains for much more reason than: "He fed
me, I'll go with him." In more complex mobs, the joining and
offering of teams would be governed by the SELF team. If
SELF's goal(s) include protection as a high priority, than
PARACETAMOL would look like a good group, and it would agree
to join. Later, when SELF has become more concerned with
cash, and the mob run's into a slick ANARCHY recruiter, it
might jump ship. Add this with the dynamic loyalty number,
and you get mobs that may start out identical at spawn, but
quickly diverge into their own personalities.
Intelligent mobs would start out with more default team
memberships. SELF, RACE, perhaps even a TRIBE or CITY that
they were born into, and some combination/selection of their
parents. (Yes, parents...who's idea it was that dark caves
spawn orcs? Shouldn't adult orcs spawn orcs? Even if the
new orc is fully adult, it would be an improvement over the
current system in most MUDs.) They would also have a more
complex determination of the SELF goal, which would be a
small mirror of the team code... HUNGER, GREED, ANGER,
SLOTH, LOVE, FEAR, and so on, jostling around to be the one
that determines the current SELF goal.
Teams would, of course, have a another set of that code
for themselves, to determine team goals. Heavily weighted by
the leader, but the followers would have some input, too, and
large groups could overcome the leadership (mob rule,
anyone?(no pun intended)).
This is, in fact, why I asked the question about large
mob code/complex mobs. I want to enable this kind of
'thinking' on all the mobs, and provide enough mobs to
sustain a diversity of groups. And a lot of background. In
any self-sustaining society, there should be more merchants,
bakers, servants, and general non-violent types, than there
are soldier, warriors, wizards, monsters, and other violent
types. Most MUDs I've been on are very violence heavy. The
pure RP MUSHes have it better, but mobs all around are
generally designed as hack/slash victims, or opponents. In
my system, most of the mobs will be governed by
self-protection and team-preservation. A PC may see this as
a killing ground, but when those 'victims' decide that their
team-goal is 'kill Sir-Kill-a-Lot' to protect themselves, he
will have to watch out every where he goes.
Not that the system isn't useful for combat oriented
decisions. The same system should work well for any kind of
decision making, including whether to swing my sword or raise
my shield this round. But what I'm looking for is a
developed mob society, or group of societies. A well-running
virtual world machine.
OK, ranting is over...sorry about that._______________________________________________
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