[MUD-Dev] Bay Area Press re: UO, the good the bad and the Ugly.

Matthew Mihaly the_logos at achaea.com
Sat Jun 10 01:48:45 CEST 2000

On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, rayzam wrote:

 > On Friday, June 9, 2000, Adam wrote:
> >
> > People *loved* it.  After the mud opened, I got more compliments from that
> > than anything else.  And it wasn't just socializers; one fellow OOC'd,
> > "woah, who prorgammed bards?  THIS K1CK5 A55, DUD3!!"  At first I thought
> > he was being flippant, but upon further investigation it turned out he
> > was perfectly serious.
>     Heh, I can completely resound with this one. I also coded a bard guild,
> though ages ago. Recently I added the ability for the members to write their
> own lyrics for their abilities. And it's gained a lot of praise.
>     It seems that these little touches, things that don't increase the
> Achiever abilities, appeal to a broad class of players. The greatest praises
> I often receive are for things that seem insignificant, or minor, or just
> little themey additions. And these come from all sorts of players.

I'd just like to chime in and say that I get the same thing. Players love
little touches like that. The best thing about them is that unlike
increasing one guild's power, you aren't making people jealous by giving
their potential enemies a boost. When we first put in our drinking code
(which turns your speech into drunken speech with a variable saying how
drunk you are modifying how badly it mullers your speech), they loved it.
There were parties where they would drink themselves to death (yes, you
can get alcohol poisoning) and there have been contests to see who can get
the highest tolerance (takes a lot of work to build a tolerance, but it
can be done). Some of them seem to really get off on annoying other people
by getting wasted and trying to talk to them.


PS. Here is the above paragraph in 'drunk speech' with drunk variable set
to 50:

I'd just Like to Chime in And say that I get the same thins. Playtrs love
Little touChhes like that. The best thing about them es tthat unlike
iincrEasinng one guild's poower, youu aren't making people jealous by
giving theEir potential enemies a boostt. When we firstt ppyht inn ohhr
drinking code (which turNs your upeech into drunnken speech with a
variaable sayifg how Drunk you are modifyiing how badfy it mullers youhr
sPeech),, they loved it. There were parties whhere tthey would drink
themselvees to death (yes, you can get alcoh *hic* ol poisoning) and
therre have becnn clntteshts to see who can gzt  thee highest tolerance
(Takes k lot of work to build a tolera *hic* nce, but it can bE done).

And here it is set to 250 (the player will be passing out and vomitting
here. He may die):

Iidd juushht likiv to Chimef iiyyy aand *hic*  xx *hic* ay thgT z G *hic* 
Ett the shame yyhiog. Players nove lit *hic* tly tToucheS Lile that. The
bfs *hic* t theng abo *hic* ut theem iss Thatt UnlIke increa *hic* shing
one gllmiLd'Uum wowaeri yau arRen't ma *hic* b *hic* inG pEoplH
jeallovsSUc by giving th *hic* heeeiRr potvedtial eNEmies a boostt.. When
we first *hic*  pvuuhU in uur driinking *hic*  code (wAich *hic*  turjs
yoUhHer ypeeec *hic* hh iinto dRu *hic* nkEn speech witz L vvAriable
syyinc hkw drunk you aree mod *hic* Ifyungg pow *hic*  badly it muullers
yyotur speech), iihey LoVj *hic* je *hic* d it. TheV *hic* m wewe p *hic*
aaartiesh *hic*  wwhese Thhwy woe *hic* fd wwri *hic* nk themMmoELvess t
*hic* d deattho (yesss *hic* hh, ydu can zet almohhol pyishoqning) ffndy
th *hic* tere hade befZ contegts ttto seJ whooo can get  the higHesst
tOler *hic* aanve (hakdeD a loot of wkrk to bpuiLz a tolhreagce,, buut it
pan bE done)).

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