[MUD-Dev] Neverwinter Nights

rayzam rayzam at home.com
Thu Jun 7 21:24:25 CEST 2001

----- Original Message -----
From: "Lars Duening" <lars at bearnip.com>
To: <mud-dev at kanga.nu>
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [MUD-Dev] Neverwinter Nights

> rayzam wrote on Wednesday, June 06 2001, 19:13:56:

>> Unfair and unreal. Yes, your vision degrades in the periphery,
>> with lower acuity, loss of color information, etc. However, this
>> implies one thing, that you keep your eyes *still*.

> If I remember my biology classes correctly, the situation is even
> a bit more complex: what the peripheral areas of ones vision lack
> in accuracy and detail, they make up for in sensitivity to light
> and movement. So while the knight off to the left of you might
> register only as gray blob in your vision, you will still notice
> when he's drawing his sword.  

Yep, detecting motion is better in the periphery, though localizing
it is worse. Light sensitivity goes up, at the cost of acuity too.

And to get more in depth, there's a star-light system that only
works in the periphery, which is why you can see stars out of the
sides of your eyes, that you cannot see by trying to look right at
them. But this system only works when the overall light levels are
extremely low...


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