[MUD-Dev] [Fwd: Announce: New Mailing Lists Available]

Bruce Mitchener bruce at puremagic.com
Fri Sep 14 19:36:38 CEST 2001

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Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2001 16:10:52 -0700
From: Tom Hubina <tomh at 3dgamedev.com>
Subject: Announce: New Mailing Lists Available
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Hi all. In case you don't know me, I'm the guy who created the
algorithms list and am currently running it with the help of Brian

In order to cut down on the off-topic posts on a lot of the existing
mailing lists and to provide a home for those topics, we've created
a bunch of lists for game development.

General List -

   This list is for discussion of things that don't really fall into
   the charter of other lists.  Things like which content creation
   tools or programming languages you should use, and other such
   things are welcome here.


Design List -

   Simply put, this list is about designing video games. The
   intention is that people could discuss the finer points of game
   play, player motivation, how to set up a suspenseful environment,


Windows List -

   The DirectX list is great for going over how to set up your
   rendering and sound code, but it isn't the right place to be
   talking about things like how to find all the CD-ROMs in a
   machine, working with the Registry, creating installers, and all
   that other fun stuff. This list has been created to address those
   issues as they pertain to game development.


Linux/Unix List -

   Much like Windows list, this list is created to handle the *nix
   platform specific questions for those creating games and/or game
   servers to be deployed on the many different Unix varieties
   (Linux, Solaris, MacOS X, etc).

Consoles List -

   This one is going to be rather peculiar since so much of the
   information around consoles is locked behind NDAs. However, we've
   seen a decent amount of traffic over on the Algorithms list from
   people wanting to discuss data structures and other things that
   are very specific to console development, so we thought it made
   sense to give them their own place to work through this stuff.


You'll notice that there's no Mac, OpenGL, DirectX, or software
engineering lists. These topics are already well covered by existing
lists so we didn't see any reason to duplicate the effort.

On all of these lists, people are expect to respect NDAs and other

Tom Hubina


MUD-Dev mailing list
MUD-Dev at kanga.nu

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