[MUD-Dev] Korea and online world responsibility

Hans-Henrik Staerfeldt hhs at cbs.dtu.dk
Mon Dec 2 09:16:26 CET 2002

On Saturday 30 November 2002 12:37, apollyon wrote:
> From: "Sean Kelly" <sean at ffwd.cx>

> From what I understand, the connection is a little less tenuous
> than the connection to the Columbine shootings.  When Character A
> kills Character B, prompting Player B to stand up from his chair
> in a Korean internet cafe, walk across the room pulling out a
> knife, and stab Player A, it's much easier for the media to lay
> blame clearly upon the game itself, whether or not that blame
> truly belongs.  The comparison to the Columbine shootings is
> perhaps not the best to use.

But that has happened for years and years over games like Chess....
Lets sue China! (if i remember correct).

Hans Henrik Stærfeldt   |    bombman at diku.dk    | work:  hhs at cbs.dtu.dk      |
Address:                |___  +45 40383492    __|__       +45 45252471     __|
DTU, Kemitorvet,        | Scientific programmer at Center for Biological     |
bygn 208, CBS.          |  Sequence Analysis, Technical University of Denmark|

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