[MUD-Dev] Total Annilation of Downtime

Damion Schubert damion at ninjaneering.com
Fri Dec 13 18:37:33 CET 2002

From: Amanda Walker
> On 12/10/02 9:00 AM, Jessica Mulligan <jessica at mm3d.com> wrote:
>> [in some comments about Neocron's buzz] and the fact that AC2
>> looks to be closer to a casual, Socializer primary model than to
>> a hard-core Achiever model,

> It's definitely a Socializer primary model, with Explorer a close
> second right now.  Much more MUD-like than AC1, in my experience,
> though I'll admit my MUD experience (and preference) is very
> socializer/explorer centric.

You found it a socializer game?  My experience was that no one
talked to each other - largely because other than playing musical
instruments with each other, you didn't have to.  As a result, my
girlfriend, who was an AC1 addict, quit after two weeks of beta


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