[MUD-Dev] Star Wars Galaxies: 1 character per server

Daniel.Harman at barclayscapital.com Daniel.Harman at barclayscapital.com
Mon Dec 16 18:16:33 CET 2002

Michael Tresca [mailto:talien at toast.net] 
> Marc Fielding posted on Saturday, December 14, 2002 6:27 PM
>> In the following link, Raph defends Sony's limitation of "one
>> character per server per account":
>>   http://boards.station.sony.com/ubb/starwars/Forum3/HTML/088000.html

>> While there are secondary design motivations behind the
>> limitation, the cost of storing a potentially immense amount of
>> character data is the primary factor. Yet even though I find his
>> description of the problem to be quite understandable and his
>> solution fairly reasonable, I'd like to propose a slight
>> modification:
> On RetroMUD, muling is a serious offense.  It's a serious offense
> for all the reasons listed by Raph.  I was shocked and horrified
> to discover just how casual muling happens on MMORPGs and how
> players have begun to see it as a right.

I actually quite like mules, I initially got one in EQ because the
bank space is woefully inadequate. I then realised that I liked
being able to use my wizard to teleport my monk around. Personally I
don't see why I should have to beg people to teleport my monk, when
I've spent 200+ days getting my wizard up to the highest level.

Having said that, if no one can do it I don't mind. Sadly this won't
be the case unless they put their money where their mouth is, and
limit people to a single credit card/national ID/big brother state
method of uniquely barcoding every citizen. Otherwise, its just
discriminating against those with lesser wallets.

Due to the blocking of alt-tab, I actually used to run 2 decent spec
PCs just so that I could browse the internet or play two characters
in EQ. I don't really see how this is any different - if you have
the money you can get around these limitations.

I notice that Raph didn't actually quote the character file size
which does make me curious as to what SOE think is a reasonable size

Frankly game mechanics need to be able to handle muling. It's a
reality these days, so you may as well work with it, not cross your
fingers and try to ban those who do it.


p.s. Future games please don't block alt-tab, its incredibly rude,
doesn't stop people hacking and generally forces me to spend too
much money on PCs.
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