[MUD-Dev2] [biz] New MMOs

Jeffrey Kesselman jeffpk at gmail.com
Sat Dec 16 16:02:03 CET 2006

On 12/12/06, Zach Collins (Siege) <siegemail at gmail.com> wrote:
> Since the news hasn't been passing through here, these days, I've been
> relying just on rumor. However, two new MMO license deals have my
> attention: the properties are Firefly and Fallout.
> Would anyone care to prognosticate?
> --
> Zach Collins (Siege)

More of the same.

Thats my prognostication.

Then again I'm generally getting burned out on MMOs these days, or at
least my fellow MMO players.  Their fantasies are pretty childish and
the money is in playing to them.

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