[MUD-Dev2] Welcome to MUD-Dev2

MUD-Dev2 Admin admin at mud-dev.com
Mon Jul 10 13:05:00 CEST 2006

  MUD'ers Welcome,

Thank you all for your interest in MUD/MMO development and the 
continuation of the MUD-Dev mailing list.  We have quite a few members 
that have signed up for this new list and I am expecting more to come.  
In order to continue the discussions that were going on previously on 
the original MUD-Dev mailing list, I will be sending out a series of 
reposts of those messages.  You can always start posting your new 
discussions as well!

The original MUD-Dev mailing list was a hand moderated list.  By doing 
this the list kept the quality and format of the posts high.  The new 
MUD-Dev2 list will follow in the same spirit.  I am posting the mailing 
list guidelines below.  One of the important things to do in posting to 
the list is identify the type of post you are doing (see item #4).  This 
will allow those that wish to filter their MUD-Dev2 messages further to 
do so.

Nick Koranda


In character MUD-Dev aims to be a collegial fraternity of people active 
and interested in the field, and as such members are present on the list 
as individuals, external to any commercial affiliations they may have. 
Your participation of the list is subject to the following guidelines:

   1. All list messages are accepted under the Creative Commons
      <http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/1.0/> license.
   2. All quoted material must be attributed. For materials from other
      sources than the list, state the author and source. A reply to a
      post from the list must at least state the name of the original
      author if your mailer does not automatically prepend one.
   3. New text goes below the quote it refers to. Do NOT put your new
      text at the top of the message with the entire original message
      quoted below.
   4. Change the message Subject: heading as the topic under discussion
      changes. A good format to use is as follows:

        Subject: New subject (was: Old subject)

   5. Use the following Subject: tags to indicate the area of interest
      of your posts:

          Messages relating to administrative functions of the list.
          Normally only used by the list owner.
          Messages relating to business operations or concerns.
      DESIGN / DGN
          Messages disccussing design aspects.
      JOB / RESUME
          Jobs wanted and available, or other messages specifically
          relating to jobs, hiring, and related.
          Announcements, news articles, media reports and commentary, etc.
      OFF-TOPIC / OT
          Off-topic! (Please keep it short and encourage the thread to
          migrate to the Meta
          <https://my.binhost.com/lists/listinfo/meta/> list.
      SOCIAL / SOC
          Discussion of social structures, social engineering, the
          social sides of human factors, and other similar soft subjects.
      TECH / CODE
          Messages relating to technology, especially implementation


        Subject: TECH: Distributed server models
        Subject: TECH DGN: Building neural networks for political systems
        Subject: DGN: Balancing Melee vs Ranged Combat in Games Which Model Space
        Subject: OT NEWS: Earthquake. CA falls into sea. Moderator drowned.
        Subject: BIZ DGN: Designing around making money on EBay item auctions
        Subject: NEWS: Beta open for EverUltiFireFurBabyMooCall!

      Note: List members can filter what list mail they receive by the
      above tags.
   6. Grandstanding, bombast, advertisements, chest puffing, or other
      forms of self or corporate promotion are not appreciated on the
      list. The list is an expressly non-commercial and topic-centric
      venue. It is intended as an intelligent and free discussion by
      peers in the field, not as a (self-) marketing venue.
   7. Discussion of MUD-Dev itself, moderation policy, activities and
      discussions which fork from MUD-Dev, and other meta discussions
      are generally off-topic for the MUD-Dev list. Please use the Meta
      <https://my.binhost.com/lists/listinfo/meta> list for such
   8. Membership of the list is not a right. You are here as my guests.
      This is a private list run as a personal contribution to the
      field. I trust the list's membership to behave accordingly.
   9. Attempting to invalidate or discourage a discussion or avenue of
      investigation on the list because it strays too close to a
      commercial project's field or other such interest will be deemed
      an intentional personal insult. Don't go there.

More information about the mud-dev2-archive mailing list