[MUD-Dev2] [DESIGN] Newbie Player Retention

Dana V. Baldwin dbaldwin at playnet.com
Wed Nov 29 15:37:54 CET 2006

Nicholas Koranda wrote:
> Based on my own experiences and what I have read others say, I have a
> theory that a player is much more likely to stick with an online game if
> that player has one of the following:
> 1) A fellow friend who shows them the ropes of the game and/or gives
> them stuff to start out
> 2) Meets someone in the game shortly after starting who does the what a
> friend does in #1
> Does anyone know of statistics or studies on player retention for those
> that have a friend in game already or meet someone that helps them
> shortly after starting versus going it alone?  I would be real
> interested to see that information.
> If that theory is correct, I would be wondering why game designers are
> not putting systems in place to achieve this, such as rewards for
> veteran players who help newbies, or guilds with similar purposes.  It
> could do a great deal of good towards retaining players.
There are several good articles here:

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