[MUD-Dev2] [DESIGN] Active and Inactive Currency

Michael Chui saraid at u.washington.edu
Fri Aug 3 12:07:33 CEST 2007

On 8/1/07, Peter Keeler <scion at divineright.org> wrote:
> My problem is that loans probably aren't fun enough to put in a game.
> There's also the anonymity problem - you can't hold a player accountable
> to pay back a loan. He'll take your money, give it to an alt and
> disappear.

Which is a problem that banks have to deal with in the real world, too, and
why you need good credit to actually take out a loan, or something sizeable
to invest in.

Then again, you have those big scams in EVE to account for...

-Michael Chui

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