[MUD-Dev2] [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point...

Tom Hudson hudson at alumni.unc.edu
Tue Aug 14 00:23:28 CEST 2007

Caliban, I think cruise explained better than I did where I think you
didn't understand the original proposal.

Your idea of skills & abilities wrapped up together is quite a change
from the "class/level" paradigm, but I think it's been used before -
didn't the paper game Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay bundle up attribute
and skill mods as "professions" back in the late 80s? If I recall
correctly, a certain amount of XP (and presumably in-game RP actions)
allowed you to select a new profession, which gave you attribute and
skill boosts; professions could have attribute, skill, and equipment
prerequisites, so you couldn't just take them in any order. Players
tended to plan a route through the profession tree much like they
might plan their talent/AA builds now:  "if I take these three basic
professions, I'm then eligible for that advanced profession, and then
taking this fourth basic profession will let me take my second


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