[MUD-Dev2] [DESIGN] Removing the almighty experience point...

Vincent Archer archer at frmug.org
Sun Aug 26 00:23:44 CEST 2007

According to Tom Hudson:
> > You can access level N+1 when, and only when, you have at least N
> > achievements of level N or above.
> > Achievements are used to measure your prowess, game knowledge,
> > mastery of your class, interaction with other players, whatever.
> > Each achievement is individual and unique. A repeat of the exact
> > same circumstances means nothing.

Ahhh, the wonders of holidays, and missing the sound of old threads
being resurrected :)

> As far as I can tell from the website, this is reminiscent of the mode
> that A Tale in the Desert moved to in telling 3. (I've only played in
> 1 and 2.) See http://atitd.com/levels.html. You can advance to a new

I did play a bit in telling 3, and it's a bit more complex (of course,
it's ATitD, after all) than that.

It's actually the reverse of my old proposal. In the original model
I devised, what you do determines the level you are. You can attempt
anything, if you succeed, you gain in levels. In ATITD3's levels,
you cannot attempt test A unless you first gained level N, presumably
by getting skills B & C and demonstrating principle D...

(it's hazy, I've dropped out - again - of ATITD some time ago)

	Vincent Archer			Email:	archer at frmug.org

All men are mortal.  Socrates was mortal.  Therefore, all men are Socrates.
							(Woody Allen)

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