[MUD-Dev2] Austin GDC meet: Web 2.0 and Games

Jeffrey Kesselman jeffpk at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 13:15:28 CEST 2007

On 8/25/07, Adam Martin <adam.m.s.martin at googlemail.com> wrote:
> For anyone going to AGDC, a couple of us are going to get together and
> chat about the head-on-collision between games and Web 2.0. Come along
> and see if you can outdo everyone else by picking an even larger
> number and sticking it on the end of a word (why stop at Games 3.0?
> Let's go to a hundred!).
> .


That does sum  up my first reaction to the topic... which is that I
have no idea what "web 2.0" is and I'm not sure anyone else does.

Oh and I'm partial to Games 3,14  myself.


See you at AGC.


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