[MUD-Dev2] [MUD-Dev] [REPOST] Griefing

Jeffrey Kesselman jeffpk at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 13:47:39 CEST 2007

On 6/27/07, Ian Hess <ianhess at yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- Jeffrey Kesselman <jeffpk at gmail.com> wrote:
> > And unless you solve the above and have a
> > "no-tolerance" rule, hidden checks don't work
> > either.  Griefers figure them out through
> > experimentation amazingly quickly.
> While I agree with everything you list, a griefer account isn't enough
> to make trouble in games where it takes 500-1k hours to hit max level
> and hit some kind of extended game.

Sure it is.  They just engage in differnt kinds of grief.

They pick off people even lower then them.  or just act obnoxious and

There are many many ways to grief, a maxxed pkiller is just one case.
And the worst griefer actually is the one who picks on newbs because
they drive people trying the game out away.


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