[MUD-Dev2] [MUD-Dev] [REPOST] Griefing

John Buehler johnbue at msn.com
Fri Jun 29 13:57:34 CEST 2007

llocr at btinternet.com writes:

> I have found that self-policing games teld towards the long leash side
> of things. Players who self-police their city tend to be very reluctant
> to impose sanctions on griefing players because of the possible
> reprocussions. No one wants to declare Player X an enemy of the town,
> because they know that if they leave the town (and the protection of
> the NPC guards), Player X will jump them out of revenge. As a result,
> you would tend to see only strong PvP players taking the lead in
> punishing griefing PvP players.

That is a design problem in the game that has nothing to do with the
existence of a player-run town.  The design problem is the fact that games
have traditionally attempted to entertain players by taking them on a power
trip.  A level 1 character drops dead in its tracks if a level 50/60/70
character even so much as looks at it the wrong way.

Try out the trial of Eve Online and find out how a well-conceived PvP game
works.  There are no solo PvP griefers preying on towns because the game
doesn't support that play style.  The game channels players into taking out
their aggressions in acts of declared war between player corporations who
control regions of space.


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