[DGD] Conditional inherits?

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Tue Mar 24 19:07:38 CET 1998

Kevin Carpenter <kevinc at kplace.monrou.com> wrote:
> Is there any way to conditionally inherit a program?

Yes.  #include files are managed through the driver object, via the
path_include() function.  All files automatically include the standard
include file; in driver->path_include() you can redirect this to a
different file for a specific set of objects.  That file can contain
an inherit statement.

> I'd like to force non-system objects to inherit a file, but I'm
> under the impression that having an "inherit" imbedded in code
> (such as in the create() function of the auto_object) is not 
> legal.

Doing it from the create function is not going to be possible, since
that code will only be executed after the object has already been


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