Gregory D Lewis glewis at maths.adelaide.edu.au
Thu Mar 11 01:14:07 CET 1999

> > DGD will send it if the mud client first requests it with the telnet
> > escape sequence IAC DO TELOPT_SGA.  DGD used to send it all the time,
> > but this confused many unsuspecting mud clients.
> Ah, I never realized. The standard telnet client (at least on linux)
> doesn't request this by itself and neither does tinyfugue, my mudclient.

[snippage of MudOS telnet output]

> If MudOS uses it, well.. there can't be that many non-telnet-compliant
> mudclients around? (Or they would complain very loudly, huh? ;)

There are a bunch of them.  Ask the MudOS coders how much grief they had
with Windows telnet/mud clients being not compliant.  Ask Dworkin for that
matter :).  I suspect they are actually in the majority as most people
only bother to learn enough of the protocol to do the basics when they are
writing such a client.

If you really didn't like how DGD did its option negotiation or you wanted
to add your own extra negotiation you could use the binary port or the
networking package and implement all the telnet business on top in LPC and
then tune it to your heart's delight.  I'd actually like to see this done
(although only if the person doing it was prepared to work out all the 
nitty griities -- the last thing needed is more telnet non-compliance :).

Greg Lewis                              Applied Maths Department
Email : glewis at maths.adelaide.edu.au    University of Adelaide
Next Friday will not be your lucky day.  As a matter of fact, you don't
have a lucky day this year.

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