John West McKenna john at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Tue May 16 08:09:52 CEST 2000

Stephen Schmidt writes:

>Anyone ever used DGD to serve web pages?

I just wrote a very very simple web server.  It only supports "GET" (not
"POST", which you'd need to make it the interface).  You're welcome to
the code if you want it, but I think you'd be better off with Kris's one -
I suspect that's the result of more than 5 minutes hacking (maybe even
reading the relevant RFCs :-)

>...a mud conducted over an HTML interface rather than a telnet

I don't know HTML at all (I just copy bits from other people's pages that
do what I want).  How would it handle events that aren't triggered by the
user?  Can you get the server to force an update of the screen when someone
talks to you, for example?

I've done a Java front-end, which works quite well.  You can have that if
you want it, but it needs a fair bit of work.  (Of course, your should have
your web server running under DGD, so the Java can be serverd from the

Your mission now is to implement a system that renders a graphical view of
the room to a JPEG.

John West

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