[DGD] Problems With Melville

John West McKenna john at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Tue Dec 4 10:39:23 CET 2001

Par Winzell writes:

>If I were to hand-code something, I think I might take a look at the
>Infocom parser. It's dated, but still pretty neat.

The parser used by the Inform library is about as good as you'll find
anywhere.  It is, of course, geared towards adventure games, which have
different requirements from MUDs.  But it's a great place to get ideas,
and the documentation is superb.

inferno (my not-a-MUD DGD project) has a slow, resource-hungry, and
slightly buggy parser that took a little inspiration from Inform.  It's not
based on Melville, so there's some work required to do anything with it.
But anything worthwhile is going to take work anyway.  The bugs are fairly
serious, but should be easily fixed.

http://www.gnelson.demon.co.uk/Inform.html	Inform
http://www.ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au/~john/dgd		inferno
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