[DGD] Dynamic inheritance

Felix A. Croes felix at dworkin.nl
Wed Dec 26 14:25:31 CET 2001

Wes Connell <wes at brutality.org> wrote:

> >  > I think you might be better off just burning the extra memory and saving 
> >  > yourself some unnecessary complexity.
> Perhaps my database theory is off here... but why couldn't the DGD driver do
> incremental updates? (Feel free to rant on me, I desire a good whoopin' on
> database theory. *chuckle*)

Right now, DGD basically turns the swapfile into a statedump in a single
stroke, and then slowly rebuilds the swapfile over time; in the meantime,
the dumpfile can already be copied on tape or whatever.  To make an
incremental update, you have to save a delta with the previously stored
state.  On a busy mud, I would expect this to take more time.

Of course, you could create the incremental dump slowly, just like DGD
already recreates the swapfile slowly.  But at this point you need some
way to signal when the incremental dump is ready, and there are other
complications, so that it would be better to just use existing database
software to store the mud's state, which has already solved all of these

I intend to make the latter possible by publishing an interface for
DGD's state handling, like the extension interface, as soon as the
code is settled enough after the on-going MP rewrite.

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