[DGD]*whispers* windows....

John West McKenna john at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Wed Jan 17 19:34:23 CET 2001

>I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good mudlib for DGD on Windows?

DGD is DGD, on any platform, and Dworkin goes to considerable effort to
make it that way.  So whatever mudlib you choose, it will run equally well
on any platform.

The mudlib is the problem.  There doesn't seem to be very many of them
around, and none (that I know of) that really show off what DGD can do.
Please prove me wrong, someone!

There's Melville, and 2.4.5 which you really don't want to use.  Any

Is anyone out there interested in writing one?  It's way too much for me to
do on my own (time and skill), but I'd like to get involved in a group
project.  I can (probably) offer a host for a development mud (not open to
the public), and start a mailing list for it.  I couldn't do shell access
to the host, so an ftp client would definitely be the first thing to do :-)


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