
John West McKenna john at ucc.gu.uwa.edu.au
Sat Jun 9 23:52:37 CEST 2001

Thomas Annandale writes:

>Again, if anyone can point me to a DGD extension or some LPC code that
>implements sprintf or something else with the same functionality, I'd be
>very grateful.

Erwin has already given you one.  Here's my attempt:

I was about to write "I don't use floating point so I haven't implemented
any support" - but quickly checking the docs shows that at some point I
did.  It also supports printing arrays as tables, and arranging long
strings into columns (including justification).

If you just want a hassle-free way of getting text displayed, this might
do the job.

But after going to all that effort, I can only agree with Dworkin.  sprintf
is not the way to do it.  It's an ugly hack at best.  sprintf in LPC is
better than sprintf in the driver, but there are much better ways of
presenting text to your users.


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