[DGD] Sensible telnet access for coders

Neil McBride neil at castinian.org
Thu Jan 24 05:56:11 CET 2002

"Arnau RossellCastell " wrote:

> Hi
> I've been trying to find a way to give coders telnet and ftp access to the 
> server, so they can use better text editors than the crude ed in dgd, and i 
> want also that they can keep their source hidden from other coders, and i can't 
> find a way to do it without problems. So far i thought of this:

Have you considered have a 'file upload' and 'text editor' facility 
available by an LPC httpd web server?  I have close to zero idea how to 
code a httpd server off the top of my head, but I know it can be done. 
The two facilities would only be an extra step after that and they would 
all be subject to the driver security.

Just a thought for a different solution than going down the telnet path.


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