[DGD] Sensible telnet access for coders

muphicks muphicks at btinternet.com
Wed Jan 30 11:45:20 CET 2002


----- Original Message -----
>Well that's something I'd have to add if I manage to make a succesful MUD,
>I figure I can swap from telnet to ssh at a later time.
>As for the ftp-on-lpc thing, i think that having "real" FTP servers, it's
>pointless making one in LPC, that instead I should figure how to comunicate
>ftpd with the MUD, and it will give more functionality that wathever i do

You could swap at any time, ssh is very easy to install and in
most new distributions of linux it is installed automatically.
Using scp is a little confusing at first but if you know anything
about unix you will settle straight in. For those who know
nothing of unix and instead use windows, they can use
winscp which is virtually identical to an FTP client look, with
the advantage that passwords are never transmitted clear

Thats the beauty of ssh over normal telnet, everything is encrypted
so that passwords can't be stolen.

My only other advice is to run the mud under a new user and
group (if your using unix) and ensure this user/group has very
little access to anything else in the system. That way if
anyone hacks the mud or exploits it in some way they
will not be able to get much further into your machine.

anyhow good luck :)


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