[DGD] mudlib

Stephen Schmidt schmidsj at union.edu
Wed May 1 15:29:59 CEST 2002

On Wed, 1 May 2002, Noah Gibbs wrote:
>   Oh -- and just so it's been said:  the feature comparison was written by
> me, and I'm the author of Phantasmal.  I make no claims to it being
> objective, impartial, fair or the opinion of Melville's author or of this
> list generally.

I'm the Melville author. I was looking at the feature comparison
last night, for totally unrelated reasons, and I have no complaints
about it. If it errs, it is too generous towards Melville in one
or two regards. One thing it does not highlight (and perhaps it
should) is that Phantasmal runs over the kernel and Melville does
not. There are pros and cons to that, but I'm growing increasingly
convinced that there are more pros to running over the kernel than
there are cons, and I am debating whether I should produce a Melville
variant that does that (or whether that would be duplicative of what
Phantasmal does, which is why I was looking at the Phantasmal site
last night ;)


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