[DGD] Melville 0.9.1 available

Stephen Schmidt schmidsj at union.edu
Thu May 16 05:23:13 CEST 2002

I have prepared a pre-release of Melville 0.9.1. Changes from
Melville 0.9 are few but important. This release fixes all known
security bugs. It also contains a "recreate" command which destroys
an object before updating its code, so that its create() function
will be invoked again and its data re-initialized. There is also
documentation explaining the difference between update and recreate
which may help newbies get the hang of this a little more easily.

If you would like to either test this for me, or distribute it
on an FTP or web site, reply to this message (privately, please)
and I will email it to you. Tarred/gzipped it is under 90K. Testing
need not involve more than downloading it, unpacking it, and
running it once to make sure no obvious errors creep up. If you
want to do more than that, hey, that's cool too :)

If you wish to distribute it, go ahead, but assume I will ask you
to replace it with a subsequent formal release when any problems
with the packaging on the pre-release are fixed.


Steve Schmidt

Sweet words can buy honor
Good deeds can gain respect
If a man is bad, do not abandon him.
	- Tao Te Ching, chapter sixty-two

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