[DGD] Mutli-CPU Support?

Kevin N. Carpenter kevinc at seaplace.org
Sun Jan 19 00:52:35 CET 2003

Felix -

How goes the multi-cpu support for DGD?

One of these years I'd like to code up a mud that consisted of 
semi-independant domains, each of which could be relatively easily 
created.  Members would exist in a specific domain at any given time, 
but could move between domains.  Potentially, dozens if not hundreds of 
domains could exist.

I'm a big fan of OpenMosix, and would like to meld its functionality 
into this mud.  e.g.  In the above example, each domain could be an 
independant process. To be eligable to migrate around the OpenMosix 
cluster, no shared memory could be used - instead intra-domain 
communication would need to occur via some form of message passing.  One 
"master" domain could exist that could serve as a gatekeeper and handle 
sequencing of events, although I'm not sure that would be needed.

In such an environment, as the mud grew, additional nodes could simply 
be added to the cluster.  As hardware needed to be replaced, those nodes 
could be gracefully shutdown - OpenMosix would shuffle the associated 
process to another node - and repaired or replaced.  I suspect this 
would complicate swap file positioning, since whichever node the swap 
file was on would need to remain up - unless some form of clustered file 
  system was used.

I suppose a crude version of this could be accomplished by cranking up 
multiple DGD instances on the cluster, but I'm looking for something 
that would allow one domain to spawn another.

Anyhow, it seemed to me that multi-cpu support would be a great step in 
that direction, especially if such support didn't use shared memory, so 
I thought I'd ask for an update on said support.


Kevin C.
Host and author of FishRoom, a DGD based conversation mud online since 1995.

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