[DGD] test

Noah Gibbs noah_gibbs at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 31 20:49:49 CEST 2003

--- Lucifer <lucifer at tsinghua.org.cn> wrote:
> I downloaded the Phantasmal mudlib yesterday.  Is
> Melville better than it?

  That's a tough question to answer.  You'll have an
easier time understanding Melville and getting up to
speed on it, but Phantasmal gives you more new
features and more capabilities.

  For a comparison, go to http://phantasmal.sf.net and
click on the "comparison between mudlibs" link on the

  You can find some of the differences between DGD and
"vanilla" LPC by reading the "Changelog" file that
comes with DGD, but that takes a lot of sorting
through.  You can find the differences described at
but they're mixed in with other stuff that's standard
LPC, so if you don't already know standard LPC they
won't tell you what's different from it in DGD.

  Just generally, I highly recommend checking
http://phantasmal.sourceforge.net/DGD/ and
http://phantasmal.sourceforge.net/DGD/LPC/ as DGD
references.  I would, though.  I wrote them both, as
well as the Phantasmal MUDLib.

noah_gibbs at yahoo.com

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