[DGD] DGD kernel mudlib

Daniel.Sloan at vu.edu.au Daniel.Sloan at vu.edu.au
Fri Mar 14 12:50:06 CET 2003

Hi everyone, I've recently started to get involved in DGD, when
I realised the driver my mud currently uses falls far short of
providing for the things I want to do.

Question about the kernel mudlib, specifically: /kernel/sys/userd.c
Is there any reason that each port should have a seperate telnet or
binary manager object?  Currently it seems easier since the functions
called in the manager (e.g. mgr->select(str))are not provided with the
port number of the connection.  However, unless there is a good reason
which I cannot see at the moment, why not provide the port number as
an argument to those manager functions, so that a single object could
handle all ports?

Also - along time ago, there was list talk of a DGD code/etc repository
and so on.  It seems to have died - true? If so, anyone know if there
was a specific reason it never happened (given that ppl seemed keen at
the time)?


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