[DGD] Methodology: Directory structure & Areas

Par Winzell zell at skotos.net
Fri Oct 17 20:06:32 CEST 2003

> 1) An external directory. Make a directory such as /domains and put each domain 
> tree under that. Perhaps even have a different root directory for each domain, 
> though that may get cluttered.

Keep in mind that if you use the kernel library, objects that are not in
/usr/* have very limited abilities. Somebody else should expand on this,
but over time it has become my strong impression that code that wants to
take an active part in the game should reside in a /usr directory.

> 3) In it's own user directory. Thus you would have /usr/hell to hold the domain 
> files for hell, and bob would have write access on it given the previous 
> example. In this case, though, hell still wouldn't be an interactive user like 
> System.

This would definitely be my suggestion.


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