[DGD] Methodology: Directory structure & Areas

Noah Gibbs noah_gibbs at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 17 20:31:22 CEST 2003

(response below)

--- Par Winzell <zell at skotos.net> wrote:
> > 1) An external directory. Make a directory such as
> /domains and put each domain 
> > tree under that. Perhaps even have a different
> root directory for each domain, 
> > though that may get cluttered.
> Keep in mind that if you use the kernel library,
> objects that are not in
> /usr/* have very limited abilities. Somebody else
> should expand on this,
> but over time it has become my strong impression
> that code that wants to
> take an active part in the game should reside in a
> /usr directory.

  To some extent that's true.  I get around it by
having access-controlled functions in /usr/System that
do stuff that requires more privilege.  Since code
outside of /usr/ has no user directly associated with
it, you need to either have it use only things with no
permission controls, or have functions somewhere under
/usr/ that recognize that code specifically.

  Since I do almost all of my access control through
/usr/System anyway and I don't write files from most
commands & objects, this isn't a big burden for me.

noah_gibbs at yahoo.com

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