[DGD] Sticking my oarin

Colin Ross c.ross at cantab.net
Fri Oct 17 21:44:40 CEST 2003

Well, having hung around this list for a while now, I guess it
is about time I finally get around to fully biting the bullet
and beginning to (re-)code my own little DGD project.  And,
to paraphrase the Cranberries for a moment, if everybody else
is doing it, why can't I?

Probably a number of reasons, involving time, incompetence,
a propensity for idiocy, but nonetheless, the project has
begun.  With high hopes to document the path I take and the
methods and reasons for design decisions, a web page has
been created, and should be available at 
in the near future.

Having toyed with DGD in the past, I am not a complete
novice, but the intricacies of object managers and
security permissions always seem to put my head in a spin.
So, my first major project (after following Noah's excellent
"Extending the DGD Kernel Mudlib") will be to hopefully
create a nice "help" system so that at least I can remind
myself of how things ought to be working.

Anyway, enough for now.  This is mainly intended as a heads-up
for you veterans/experts out there to warn of a possible
barrage of fortcoming questions.


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