[DGD] Methodology: Directory structure & Areas

Noah Gibbs noah_gibbs at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 17 23:10:38 CEST 2003

--- nihilxaos at nihilxaos.com wrote:
> Well...to my understanding it's good to have
> anything that requires any sort of 
> trusted functionality reside in /usr/System anyway.


> The one thing this does 
> bring up, though, is that guild objects can either
> modify a character's save 
> file or have their own save file for the character
> (a thing I'm a fan of...more 
> damage localization in case of error).

  I make sure that all of this resides under
/usr/System at some level.  For instance, commands can
modify the user object, which will change the save
file next time something causes it to save.  As a
result, many functions that modify saved information
cause the user object to save as well.

  In concept, this stuff is all carefully protected. 
In practice, there are still some functions (like
set_locale()) that I need to protect properly.

  If you wanted guild objects to have their own save
files, they'd need to either call to something in
/usr/System (or other /usr/XXXX directory) that could
do the write for them, or the guild objects would have
to go into a /usr/XXXX directory.

  If I were going to add guilds to Phantasmal, I'd
probably add a /usr/common/guild.c object and have a
list of allowable guilds in an UNQ file somewhere.  If
an allowed guild object (like, one in the UNQ file)
registered itself and asked to load or save, then
/usr/common/guild would cheerfully do that operation. 
That means you've got access control (the UNQ file)
and the operations can occur outside /usr/System
(which is good when possible).  I'm not sure whether
I'd make a /usr/common/obj/guild object clonable and
instantiate guild objects for each guild, or whether
I'd have a /usr/common/sys/guildd that fielded
requests for the other guild objects.  There are some
kind of weird path restrictions on inheritance, so
it'd be tough to have objects outside the /usr
heirarchy inherit from /usr/common/lib/guild. 
Possible, but probably not worth the trouble.

noah_gibbs at yahoo.com

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