[DGD] Making my own function types

Par Winzell zell at skotos.net
Wed Aug 25 16:56:07 CEST 2004


> Is there any function type that doesn't do anything special?
> I've built a permission system and I want to be able to specify what
> functions that can't be called by all objects, without having to create a
> database of those functions.
> Is there any way to check what type a function is?

There's no way this is going to be a trivial addition. Is there any way 
to check what type a function is from LPC? No, but you can't do this 
sort of thing from LPC anyway. Obviously there is a way to check what 
type a function is within DGD.

I suggest you stick to LPC and find a way to do this within the mudlib 
by masking call_other(). If you want to avoid any kind of database, you 
can use a function name convention instead.

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