[DGD] Atomic Errorage

Michael McKiel crashnbrn71 at yahoo.ca
Tue Feb 17 23:52:39 CET 2004

Running DGD 1.2.77 on linux, under what's becoming a quite 
modified Melville Lib.
I've been trying to make some use of atomic functions/errors. 
I've added the atomic_error() from the Kernel LIB's driver into our driver.
Mostly unmodified, besides a few changes required to make it compile.

I made a function atomic, that was previously:
    int do_command(str string) {

    atomic int do_command(str string) {

I didn't seem to be getting any "atomic" errors after putting what will
cause a runtime error into the function do_command, so I checked the 
error stream (stderr?) from the linux shell.

And got this:
Bad argument 1 for kfun explode [atomic]
  32 do_command        /command/admin/ttt
Bad argument 1 for kfun explode
 273 receive_message    /system/user (#18)
 327 command            /system/player (#19)
Bad argument 1 for kfun explode
Object: /system/player#19, program: /system/player, line 327

So the atomic error is being noticed/detected...but it barrels on thru
to runtime_error()...

So is there more that needs to be done to make atomic work? or is that what
it's supposed to do? I had figured it shouldn't pass thru to runtime_error()

And if there is MORE, any slaps upside the head to knock me in the right
direction would be much appreciated ;)

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