[DGD] kernel question

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 22:23:24 CET 2007

On Dec 5, 2007 12:03 PM, chris . <psych_mayo at hotmail.com> wrote:
> This is very helpful.  Couple more questions i have though.
> say i disconnect, and someone else right after tries to login with my handle.
> am i secure?
> can dgd tell me when i locally disconnect?  Ie 'INFO: player went linkdead'?

Huh?  Dunno what you mean but...

DGD doesn't actually care where you connect from.  If it matches any
origin host/ip filtering you've done in the config file, DGD lets it
in and doesn't give a rip about where it comes from.

Disconnections/linkdeadedness are atomic events, in that DGD will do
exec rounds for those events serially, and before it even looks at a
new connection, it will have completely solved for any disconnects
which happened.  So as long as your user object/connection object (if
not using Klib) properly handle the disconnect, and properly
authenticate any new connections (say, with a password or a server key
or some other secure gibberish), you have nothing to worry about.

If you disconnect first, the user object either goes away immediately,
or it is left around linkdead wihtout a connection object.

> Im not so worried about ignoring my login() function.  I would actually be writing
> code inside of login() in order to tell whether or not i just reconnected, or logged in.
> So if this is all secure, i may just put into login() something like:
> 'if redirected because of reconnection, than message("Welcome back."),
> else message ("Welcome to Windfall")'
Actually, you can't redirect to a new connection.

A redirect assigns a NEW user object to an OLD connection.  What
YOU'RE talking about is a NEW connection, which somehone needs to be
associated with the OLD user object.  I suppose you could redirect the
NEW connection to the OLD user object...but I'd at least do some
minimal authentication first.  Someone calling themselves "shentino"
doesn't mean that it's me...it just means someone knows my handle.
Only if they also know my password would I let the mud trust it was

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