[DGD] Killer App example

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Wed Nov 7 00:07:02 CET 2007

Someone on this list mentioned "What we need...is a Killer App"

Well, might as well point it out.  I used to be a wizard on one, and
even after self-resignation due to a fight over licensing with one of
the admins, I very much still enjoy being a player there...even with
their server in a bit of a rut.

http://simud.org and the walraven mud.

THey are doing exactly the sort of thing that a "Killer App" would
need.  ONly it's on LDMUD but why split hairs?

Apologies to anyone who thinks htis is promition, but I must admit
that thanks to a link on their site, I was able to find out about DGD
to begin with.  They're the ones that linked to phantasmal's DGD pages

Which, incidentally, brought me to this very list :)

So I guess this is just returning the favor? :P

And apologies to felix for accidentally sending this to him personally :(

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