[DGD] LWO's and levels of embedding

Noah Gibbs noah_gibbs at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 15 16:02:46 CEST 2007

  Since A is the only 'real' DGD object there, I believe there's only one copy.
 Both 'copies' (i.e. object pointers) are within A's memory arena, so the LWO
isn't copied.

  However, if you copied it to a different memory arena (that is, a different
non-LWO object), *then* it would be copied.

  I haven't tested this, but it's my current best understanding of how LWOs
should work here.  An LWO is basically a struct/class (like in C or C++), while
a full-on DGD object has a lot of other stuff like synchronization and memory
management added.

--- Carter Cheng <carter_cheng at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I just started playing around with building a library
> on top of the kernel library so I apologize if this is
> a newbie-ish type question-
> Suppose that you have a persistent object A which
> contains a LWO B which respectively contains an LWO C.
> What would happen if you cached a copy of C in A as
> well as B. At the end of the current execution would
> it create a copy or not? 
> i.e. if on another execution round I changed the state
> of C in B would this mean that the state of C in A is
> different or the same as that of the state in C in B?
> Thanks in advance,
> Carter Cheng
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