[DGD] DGD playability

Shentino shentino at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 22:41:35 CEST 2008

As current project admin on Phantasmal and Kotaka, I should probably comment.

A new version of kotaka is pending, but it's in bandaid mode after I
gutted the old "bigarray" stuff and tried to replace it with "bigmap",
only to find I had completely fubar'ed my bigmap code.

For now, everything has been replaced by a single mapping.  Stuff will
break if array_size is exceeded, so for now, large setting there is
advised.  An upload is expected soon.

Phantasmal's website has been undergoing heavy repair.  Mostly stuff
that can't be seen, but internals are getting a makeover so that I can
stamp out many subtle problems, typically funny things happening with
angle brackets not "rendering" properly, including in one case an
entire section of Skotos "SAM" excerpts that was full of blank lines
once rendered.

Phantasmal itself is in stasis until someone comes up with new ideas.

Seas of Night design is firming up, and "real soon now" there will be
a test mud running on necronomicorp.com.  I may implement "innsmouth
high" and "light-dark" as co testmuds to ensure "mud neutral" design
in phantasmal itself.

As always, anyone with ideas on either phantasmal, kotaka, or any muds
operated by me to test either one, please email me.

Good day, and here's hoping my internet "access" gets repaired soon.

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